Friday, November 21, 2008



Today was, simply, THE BEST DAY EVER.

Okay. This will be a long post, since A LOT happened today.

This morning as I was getting ready for school, home alone, someone knocked on my door. Confused, I answered, only to find my friend Holly. She was all like, "Hey. I was bored, so I just decided to come to your house and walk with you to the bus stop." I was just like, "Okay..." and didn't think much of it. As we walked out the door toward the bus stop, I had NO IDEA that some of my other friends (Kenzie, Marie, and Ashley) were hiding just around the corner of my house, watching and waiting. Holly was the distraction.

Long story short, at the next bus stop, the three of them came running. I was like, "Oh my gosh, I know them!" They don't ride me bus, so I was surprised. And then, when they got on the bus, Kenzie was all like, "You know, you should really lock your front door more often." And then it hit me. They had gotten into my house and DECORATED MY ROOM.

My friends made sang happy birthday to me on the bus (Ugh.). My bus driver gave me a nice card and some gum which was SO NICE. I love her so much now!

My friends tried to get the SSA choir to sing me happy birthday, but luckily it didn't work. My friend AC got me in Creative Writing, though (-.-)

After school, Holly, Kenzie, Marie, Ashley, and our friend Sam went to the TWILIGHT MOVIE!!!!!!! The 5:30 showing, to be exact. We got in line at 3:30 and were the third group in line, which was pretty awesome.

When we got into the theater (2, to be exact), we were all ready to just start screaming in excitement. This was the moment I had been waiting for since December when I found out that they were making Twilight into a movie.

AND GUESS WHAT. After we had gotten our seats, Kenzie and I went to get popcorn. And as we were leaving, guess who we saw. MR. BROOKS AND HIS WIFE. It was so funny. He was all like, "Oh, hi Chantel!" and I was like, "Woah, hi!"

Anyway, the movie was awesome! It was a bit cheesy at parts, but I expected that much. I GOT TO SEE MY JASPER!!!!!!!!!! AND JAMES!!!! AND VICTORIA!!!! AND EMMETT!!!! AND ALICE!!!! My favorite characters, in case you haven't noticed.

I'll skip the movie details, because you need to see it for yourself. Seriously.

After we all got back to my house, I was allowed to go see my room. And guess what was in there, besides awesome streamers all over the walls and ceiling. A LIFE-SIZED CARDBOARD EDWARD. Really. They got it at a party store. When I walked in I was like, "What the.. OMG. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?" So, now I have a life-sized cardboard Edward standing in my room. It's both awesome and... pretty creepy. O_o I'm going to take a picture and post it as soon as I can.

But yeah. This was the best day of my life.


Janessa said...

I don't care that you don't want to spoil me. Tell me all of the details!! I am never going to see it if my mom's life depends on it. She hates all of the twilight books and she thinks that they are inapproprate for girls my age. PLEASE TELL!!!!!! Happy birthday b.t.w.!!!

Chantel said...

We'll see.
Maybe I'll tell you about it at school.