Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy late Easter!

Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend! I know I did. :) Nothing but relaxing at home. I even watched a bit of General Confrence on Sunday. And then, for some odd reason that I don't really know, I started remembering bits and piece of The Prince of Egypt. I used to watch that movie ALL the time as a kid. I absolutely loved it. However, so many years had passed that I honestly didn't know what happened in the movie (well... besided what happens in the Bible. :P) So... I got onto YouTube and found someone who had posted the entire movie in 11 parts. So... I sat down and watched the entire thing. :) And now I remember why I loved that movie so much growing up. It's just too bad that we don't actually own it, because then I could watch it from a more comfortable place than my uncomfortable computer chair.

Anyway... nothing else really new. Besides the fact that I changed the Song of the Week earl.y :P

You see, I FINALLY got enough money to go buy myself a nice little present... Danny Gokey's CD "My Best Days," which was released a month ago. I have now fallen in love once again with this guy's voice! :) Then again, I never fell out of love... but you get my point.

I even think that I talked about Danny in some of my blog posts while he was on Idol... yeah, they're there.

Anyway... the new song of the week is "I Still Believe" from the previously said album by the previously said man. It's a really nice, even insperational song. I'm really happy with it. :)

Just be prepared for some more Gokey coming up in the Song of the Week for the next few months. ;)

That's all for now! ♥

Thursday, April 1, 2010

So sorry... :(

Yep. I'm done with blogging. I don't even do it anymore, so I'm going to delete my blog and move on with my life...


Um... yeah. I'm fully aware how awfully lame that was. ;)
But I had to do something for this stupid little holiday, now didn't I?

It's true, though. I've been a bit neglectant of my blog. I need to work on it a bit more.
I promise I will, all of my invisible little blog readers!

Anyway... it's supposedly spring. Key word: supposedly. Is freezing temperatures and giant killer snow the accepted definition of spring? I don't think so!!!!!

Haha. Yeah. That's how it was yesterday. 30 degrees with snow. At the end of March. Not cool.

So... yeah.

Today, I had to register for all my high school classes. And, let me tell you, it was one of the most stressful experiences of my life. A lot of my classes were already full, so I had to compromise. I finally finished it, though, so the drama is over. :) It was pretty stressful in the moment, though, considering I had to do it in the library at school with my friends Kenzie and Daenen, since we had Joseph reherasals and couldn't leave (did I mention that I'm in the school's preduction of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat?).

Speaking of, the Song of the Week is from Joseph. :) It's been stuck in my head for the past few hours. So... yeah. :) It's called "Close Every Door" and really is a beautiful song.

Well, I think that's all the updates I have for my boring life...
Hope you enjoyed (I guess...)! :)