Saturday, December 6, 2008

Doctor. x.x

Okay. So I've been having headaches and all that stuff for a while, so I went to the doctor on Thursday after school. Here's what happened.

So, my mom and I got to the doctor and since we hadn't been to the clinic before (we'd seen this particular doctor, but he had moved clinics recently), my mom had to fill out this paper and I had to get my picture taken. Then a few minutes later I had to go into this little room connected to the waiting room, where this nurse sat me down and asked me questions while typing my answers into her computer. This was pretty much our conversation:

"Have you done any drugs?"
"Are both of your parents living?"
"Do either of them have any health problems?"
"Well, my dad's kind of messed up with his health, I guess."
"Diabetes or heart problems?"
"I don't think so..."

And then that was pretty much it. She had me describe the headaches, took my blood pressure, and then went to go see if the doctor was ready for me. Which he was. So then my mom and I had to go into his little room that looked more like a office than a doctor's check-up room thing. The only difference was the uncomfortable bed thing with the crinkley paper on it. The doctor and I talked, and he checked my ears and my heart beat and all that.

And that was pretty much it. Then we talked about the headaches and he was like, "Well, it could be this, or this, or blah blah blah." Then he was finally like, "It's probably nothing serious, but would you like to get your blood drawn just in case?" And was was like, "NO." So he just laughed and turned to my mom and was like, "If you'd like to get it done, do you want us to do it now or later?" And my mom was like, "Well, she's already here, so let's get it over with now." So I had to go back to that little room by the waiting room where the nurse was, sit down in the little chair, and watch with horror as she got a little bucket from under a table filled with the blood drawing tools of doom, and take each one out and lay it on the table next to me. I finally looked away and waiting until I felt the terrifying pin prick. It didn't hurt too badly, it was just the thought of having a needle inside of my arm that terrified me. And even though it didn't hurt, I could still FEEL it inside my arm.

Finally, after THREE WHOLE MINUTES of that needle inside my arm, the nurse pulled it out and was all like, "Yay, all done!" Then she looked at me for a minute and was like, "Are you going to pass out?" To which I just weakly replied, "I have no clue." But I didn't, which is good. I just got my arm wrapped up in wierd-smelling purple tape and was sent on my merry way. When I got home, I was so sick from my first blood-drawing session. I was all light-headed and sick to my stomach, so I ate some Ritz crackers and felt better. :)

So, yeah. That's my terrifying doctor story.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

Well, I would have passed out. Then your mom would never make (or let) you draw blood ever again. I would have probably passed out anyways. I cannot stand blood. I either pass out or pass out when I see it. Nothing else. Blood, black-ness. No way around it. It is just a part of my life.