Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Mary, Did You Know?
The song gets you thinking though. Just listen to it, and you'll see what I mean.
Let's see... Christmas break has officially started! And Christmas is on Friday. I'm so excited, you can't even imagine. ;) It's seriously one of my favorite holidays. All the friends, family, spirituality... it's truly amazing.
Hm. What else? We went bowling today for PE. It was fun. :) I'm actually better than I thought I was! I didn't win, of course, but winning really isn't everything. ;)
So. Wow, I feel so bad, because I have nothing else to really talk about. :(
Um... so yeah. I guess I'll just stop there.
I hope you all have a wonderful, safe holiday season! <3
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Joy to the world!
Also, people should be joyful because I'm finally updating this thing after millions and millions of years (okay, I'm exaggerating a little there, but you get my point).
Some things that have happened in my blogging hiatus:
* I'm officially fifteen.
* My sister is officially having a baby girl, due March 2nd.
* The end of the semester is fast approaching.
Um... nothing else. Shows how incredibley boring my life is. :P
But yeah. I changed my blog background. It looks super pretty and Christmas-y now. ;) I will admit that the Santa looks a bit creepy but... whatever. :P
I also changed my playlist around a little. I'm now using mixpod.com, which I'm finding I like a lot better than the other site I got my last playlist from. It's the same songs as before (plus a few new ones). And this new playlist has videos to go along with the songs. :)
As you've probably noticed, I also changed my Song of the Week. I wanted something Christmas-y, and I really love this song so... yeah. Enjoy. :)
But anyway. I guess that's all. Sorry this is so short, my imaginary readers. But at least it's something!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Why does winter have to be so... cold?
In other news: It's October! I love October. :) Besides it getting colder, it's a really good month. Everything looks so pretty with the orange and red and yellow... plus, there's Halloween! :)
Anndd... I got my dvd of The Mentalist season one! :) I've watched the whole thing and then some by now. And the second season started. As did the fourth season of Heroes. It all makes me so happy. :)
Well... I think that's all I have to say.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fall is obviously coming.
Nothing new (again). I guess picture day is on Friday. Yayyy (sarcasm). I hate picture day. And it's 9th grade pictures, so it's in color, and I'm sure I'm just going to get a monsterous zit or something the day of. :P Sigh...
Ahem. Sorry. :)
Okaayyyy... speaking of, here's my little countdowns that no one cares about but I'm puting them there for my own benifit. :)
5 days until Heroes season four starts. (New one)
6 days until The Mentalist season one comes out on dvd.
8 days until season two of The Mentalist starts.
65 days until New Moon comes out.
66 days until my birthday.
YAY!! :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Nothing new to report...
Anyway, let's update my useless countdowns, now shall we? :)
9 days until The Mentalist dvd comes out.
11 days until The Mentalist season 2 starts.
67 days until New Moon comes out in theaters. :)
68 days until I turn fifteen.
So... yeah. :)
Andddd.... new song of the week! I've chosen "Human" by The Killers. The song doesn't make much sense, but it's still a really good song and I'm quite fond of it right now. :)
So... yeah. Listen and enjoy. :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Count down... again! :)
12 days until The Mentalist comes out on DVD.
14 days until season two of The Mentalist starts.
71 days until New Moon comes out in theaters.
72 days until I turn fifteen.
I have a cool little countdown to my birthday above my Song of the Week now. :) So... yeah.
Other than that... nothing new to report.
So... until later! :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Counting down to so many things!
Alrighty. First of all, I'm SO SORRY that I haven't posted anything in, like, forever. Even though no one really reads this. :P But still!
Anyway, I just realized yesterday how many things I'm counting down to. Allow me to tell you all about it. :) Also... this is all using mental math, which isn't my strongest suit, so I'm sorry if I'm a day off or something. Not liked you'd really care enough to check though. :P Anyway....
16 more days until The Mentalist (season one) comes out on dvd.
18 more days until season two of The Mentalist starts.
74 more days until New Moon comes out in theatres.
76 more days until I turn fifteen.
See? How amazing is that?
See, The Mentalist is a tv series I
And Star Trek. I know what some of you are probably thinking... 'Star Trek? That nerdy show?' Let me just say that I have never watched the actual 1960's show and I don't think I plan to. BUT, I went and saw the new movie with friends on Friday night, and let me say, it was amazing. :) At first I was a bit skeptical, but once we were actually sitting in the movie theatre and the first two minutes of the movie had passed, I was hooked. :) SO, now I want it on dvd for myself. :) And it comes out four days before my birthday, which is very convenient. ;)
Also, I finally changed my Song of the Week. Since I've had "Halo" stuck in my head all day, it seemed pretty fitting. So... there ya go. :)
Anyway, that's all for now.
BYE! :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
7 more days of summer...
Nothing all that new to report. Besides that there's just a week left in school. Sigh. But at least I'll be an amazing 9th grader. ;)
Um... today I went and had my hair cut and highlighted. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I also had my eyebrows waxed (long story. My friend was all like, "OMG, THAT'D BE HILLARIOUS." and my mom was like, "Haha, I'm going to make you do it..." It hurt really bad. :P But only for a second.
Now, if only I could gather up enough courage to get my ears pierced...
Anyway, I think that'll be all right now. I'm tired and a bit parinoid that my dad is going to hear me typing or something and come downstairs. So... goodbye. :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
No news is... no news.
Wait a second. I lied. There is news. :)
My neighbor Amy got married on Saturday. I got to tag along to watch her one-year-old daughter and also help with food. It was fun. :)
I also babysat said one-year-old today, too. For eight and a half hours. It was kind of tough, since she had woken up at 4:30 in the morning and only slept a half-hour since then. But I got her to sleep another 45 minutes. So... it was okay. :) And she's just one of the cutest little girls ever, so it was worth it. :)
Um... HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE COMES OUT ON WEDNESDAY! That's not tomorrow, but the next day, in case you have no clue what today is. ;) I'm excited. Though I probably won't be able to see it until this weekend at least, because (quoting my mom), "There is no way I'm taking you to see that movie. I hate Harry Potter." Sooo.... I have to round up a few friends who pity me enough to go see it a second time just for me. :) Because my mom says she'll drive us all to the movie theatre, she just won't watch the movie. :P
So... yeah. :)
And... new song of the week is Unstoppable by Rascal Flatts. I had no clue what song to do, so I just turned on my iPod and hit it against my hand so it would shuffle (because I'm to lazy to do it the manuel way... and also that way is just so much cooler), and that was the first song to come up. So... yeah. Good song. :)
Except... my wonderful little playlist at the bottom has suddenly decided to rebel and not play that song. So, instead, Grace Kelly by Mika is playing. But... that's a good song, too. ;)
Anyway. That's all. :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Here's to those celebrities...
Let's see... as you all know, Michael Jackson has died. Even though he was a bit of a... creepy guy in the last few years before he died, he was way cool between the Jackson 5 era up to the 80's. I'll Be There, ABC, Beat It, Thriller, Man in the Mirror... all great songs. :) Anyway, today was his memorial and stuff, which I watched TV (it was on most of the channels for three hours). But it was actually pretty good, lots of people talking about him and singing and stuff. And at the end his daughter Paris said a few words, which was really sweet. Even though a lot of people turned against him in his last few years, he was still a human being, and I must say: rest in peace, Michael Jackson.
Also, Farrah Fawcett died the same day as MJ. That's sad, because no one really payed as much attention to her death. But at least she's in a better place, and now cancer-free. Rest in peace, Farrah Fawcett.
And finally, Billy Mays. TV comercials and the show Pitchmen have lost a great guy. He was funny and yelled at your face from the TV screen to get you to by Oxi-clean and other stuff. He left too soon, and he'll be missed. Rest in peace, Billy Mays.
Anyway, I don't really have anything else to say. Other than the song of the week is Man in the Mirror.
Have a nice day. :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lazy summer days...
I'm still bored, obviously.
But that's okay. :)
Today was awesomely warm and sunny, so I took the camera outside and took a bunch of pictures. I even shot a few of my little brother, too. :) It felt so nice outside today, though!
I have some exciting news. :D
My sister Camelle is having a baby. :)
It's my twentieth niece/nephew, but it's still exciting. It's kind of a surprise baby, though. When it's born, her oldest will be thirteen and her youngest eight. But yeah. :)
Um... Nothing else really to report.
But I suppose I'll post some of the pictures I took on my little picture spree. :)
Pictures all obviously by me, Chantel. :)

I thought this looked kind of cool, though. :)
Little morning glory in the leaves. :)
Okay... so, that's all for now.
BYE. :)
Friday, June 19, 2009
High-speed Internet!
It's amazing. :)
Anyway. I've been at my sister's house since Wednesday, babysitting her kids. I just got back today. And now I'm enjoying my fast internet. :)
I'm enjoying my summer so far (even though I'm... bored). I already have my schedule for next year, though, which makes me kind of excited. :)
Um... jeez. Nothing else really to say. Told ya it was a boring summer.
Oh. Song of the Week is Stand by Rascal Flatts.
So... done for now. :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What time is it? Summer time! :D
Anyway, I must apologize because I've been quite... neglectant of my blog. :P School has ended and we are already in our second week of summer.
First and foremost, if you'd please direct your eyes to the new Song of the Week. This week is "We Are" by Ana Johnsson. Very good song. Fun to sing and rock out to. I've had it stuck in my head ever since I put it on my iPod which was about... two weeks ago. :P
Okay. Moving on. Last day of school was great, I suppose. It was really boring, though. Very few of my friends showed up. I hadn't been planning on going to either until I was forced to by my non-understanding mother. :P But... I gave my bus driver some really cute magnetic flowers that I made for her bus. :D But the last day of school also meant that one of my really good guy friends would be moving away the next week. And I'd be gone at Girls Camp, so I wouldn't get to say good-bye. So, after I said bye to him for the last time and was walking home, I will admit I got a bit teary-eyed. :(
Girls was fun. :) We went up to Heber and had a blast, though my friend Misha lost her dad to cancer the second day we were there, so she had to leave early and the rest of us didn't sleep a wink that night because we were all to busy crying our eyes out. :(
I got back on Friday, and now... here I am on Wednesday! With absolutely nothing to do.
I thought that for Young Womens tonight we were going to have our "camp reunion party" and also go to Misha's house and plant a rosebush for her dad, but apparently it was either not tonight or it was earlier and I missed it. :( I really hope not, because I really wanted to help plant that rosebush. I think that I remember hearing that it would be next week, though, so I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed.
Other than that, nothing new to report.
See ya.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
American Idol has NOT let me down. :)
Kris Allen won. :)
Now, even though he wasn't my favorite, I just REALLY didn't want Adam to win. And, now that he hasn't, I am on good terms with Idol again. ;)
I saw Danny. He performed a song. That made me happy.
And Kris performed with Keith Urban, too. I like Keith Urban, so that was fun to watch. They sounded a lot alike.
Aaannnddd... we only have eight more days until summer. That is... five more days of school. I'm so excited. :)
Jeez. There really isn't any more to write.
So, I guess I'll be done.
Poor little short post.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
American Idol has let me down.
On Tuesday, the top three performed. For those of you who have been living under a rock, the top three is Danny Gokey (♥ ♥ ♥), Kris Allen, and Adam Lambert (Ick). Danny sang "Dance Little Sister" and "You Are So Beautiful." Kris sang "Apologize" and "Heartless" (which, let's be honest, has made me start to like him, too. He did amazing).
On Wednesday, Danny got voted off. It was very depressing. And disappointing. I wanted him to at least make it to the top two. Really, I was hoping it would be him and Kris, though of course I knew that was never going to happen.
But, whatever.
He's still my American Idol. ;)
But anyway, now Kris is my last hope. His last performance made me really like him, so if he wins, Idol will have maken it up to me. If Adam wins... well, Idol will have officially let me down. And there will be no way for them to make it up to me. Unless... the person I like next season wins. :)
Seriously, though. For the past two seasons, my favorite contestant has made it so close to winning, but ultimately lose. Last season: David Archuleta. This season: Danny Gokey. Next season: Who knows? Hopefully they'll win. :)
But yeah. Song of the week is "Dance Little Sister." Very fun song. Makes you feel like, um, dancing. :)
Okay. Moving on.
School gets out in... thireen or so days. That's... nine school days left.
Um. What else? I made it into Musical Theatre. :D I'm really excited. Seriously, you have no idea. ;)
But yeah. I guess that's all... so yeah.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Siblings, and nieces, and nephews. Oh my!
So yeah. My Aunt Colby is working with my Great Aunt Ruth on a geneology project for my dad's side of the family, and they put me in charge of finding and gathering info on all of my older siblings and their many kids. :P So, yeah. It's been a busy past few days. But, today, I finally got all of the info on all twenty-four people (that's five older siblings and nineteen nieces and nephews, including the little girl coming in May or June!). Yay! :D
And... moving on. :) Musical Theatre auditions are Wednesday. Four of my friends and I all signed up together. So the order is Holly, Ashley, Marie, then me. I'm terrified to go right after Marie, because her voice is amazing. She just had the lead in our school's performance in Guys and Dolls. So, yeah. :P
Hopefully everything will be okay, though. At least, I hope it goes better than my Concert Singers audition did, because it won't only be in front of Mrs. McMurry, but also the drama teacher, and about forty or so other kids auditioning that day. So yeah. No pressure, right?
So yeah. That's what's going on in my life at the moment.
School ends in like 26 days!!!! I seriously couldn't be happier. :)
But yeah. I'm thinking that's all.
Oh, and I changed the Song of the Day a bit early, because... well, I felt like it. It's only two days before the actual date I've been supposed to be doing it, anyway. ;) In case you haven't already looked over there, this week is Bucky Covington's "I'll Walk." It really is an amazing song, even if Bucky kinda looks like a hippy. :P He still has great voice, and everytime I hear this song I like start crying. :P It's sad and cute and happy all at the same time.
So yeah. It's an awesome song, so listen to it on my playlist below, or else. >:)
Buh-bye!!!! :D :D
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
First of all, my dad's friend Muff died. He was only fifty-one. He died on Wednesday, after battling liver failure for a while. His kidneys finally shut down on Monday, and he went into a coma. My dad took it pretty hard.
And then, on Saturday after my parents got home from Muff's funeral, my mom handed me the newspaper and pointed to an article and said to me, "Did you know this girl?" Turns out a girl I knew from school, Amanda, died in an RV accident along with her older sister Alexis while they were coming home from their spring break. I couldn't believe it. I'd seen her the Friday before Spring Break, the last school day she would ever see, in our Peer Leaders class.
She made a poster with her friend Sarah for our school's tobacco-free campain. I just sat there on the floor with them and watched, having nothing better to do. Amanda was tracing her hands on the poster, adding some random creativity. Soon, it was covered with her handprints.
And now, she's gone. It's really weird, remembering so clearly the last time I saw her, and knowing that that will really be the last time. I never really knew her that well at all, since I was just starting to get to know her, but it's still sad. She was such a happy, nice person.
Then, today was our first day of Peer Leaders since spring break. It was really weird, Amanda not being there. But we dedicated the entire class period to making cards to give with her family. We're going to get a bunch of people to sign them at lunch next A-day.
And then, a few of us had an amazing idea. The poster Amanda had helped make on Friday was still hanging up in the hall. We could take it down, cut out all of her handprints, laminate them, and give them to her family. Those hand traces were so recent, it'd probably be really special for her family to have them. So that's what we did. We even saved her handwriting from the poster, and we're going to tape it onto a new posterboard and hang it back up in the halls.
Our class might plant a tree for Amanda, too. I think that'd be really cool, wouldn't it?
So, yeah. :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Little fuzzy blobs of cuteness. :)
We already have chickens, but they're getting old, so we had to get some chicks.
I've already claimed one. :)
All six of them. :)
Aw. Aren't they cute? It's hard to tell, but I'm pretty positive the one on the right is Henrietta. :)
Silly chicken in the food bowl. :)

Interesting close-up of Henrietta. :P
So, yeah. Cute little things, aren't they? And the mostly black ones (you can see both of them in the first picture and one of them in the second picture) are going to grow up to be little puffballs. So, that'll be interesting. Two of the brown ones are Americaunas, which we already have a few full-grown ones already. And then Henrietta and another one of the brown ones are a breed of chicken that lays a bunch of eggs a year. :P At least, that's what the guy at IFA told us. :)
So, yeah.
In other news, my best friend Megan is coming down to my house tomorrow and staying until Wednesday. Then, the two of us are going down to her house. So, I won't be back until Saturday or Sunday. :)
Hopefully all of the little chicks will still be there when I get back! In the few times we've gotten chickens, we've never really had any die when they were chicks. Except for the very first time we ever got a chick. But that was the only time.
Let's see... what else?
Yes. I made it. I made it. I made it. I can say it a million times, and I will never get tired of hearing it. I was positive that I wasn't going to make it. Because, at my audition (which was pushed from Monday to Wednesday), I messed up big time. Here's what happened:
So, I'm the second person to go in. I've just gotten over a terrible mutant cold, but I've been practicing my song, Danny Boy, quietly to myself while I was waiting to go in, and I'm pretty sure that I'll do okay. I know the notes, my voice has recovered from coughing up my lungs the entire week before, and I'm feeling pretty good. Just a teeny bit nervous.
I get inside the tiny room, and suddenly I feel the biggest wave of absolute terror over-come me. As I'm holding my music in my hands, I see that I'm shaking uncontrolabley. I take a deep breath, to no avail.
Mrs. McMurray (the choir teacher) starts playing the music, and I start singing. But, I have anxiety issues that kind of runs in my family. What happens is it'll feel like the wind has been knocked out of me and I can't get it back. It's actually pretty common. Anyone can get it when they're scared. Some people just have to live with it every day, even when they're not scared. Luckily, though, I don't have it as bad as my dad. It flared up for the first time last year and I had it every day for a couple of months, but then it just slowly went away. And now I don't get it anymore. Unlike my dad, who's had to live with it every day for the passed four or so years, since his flared up. It just never went away, like mine did.
So, anyway, it suddenly flares up again for the first time since, like, December. I can't catch my breath. Which, of course, means that I can't sing. I had to stop singing like six times in just sixteen measures. That, my friends, is a lot. And then, still having troubles, I could barely sing back what she played (Ugh. I sounded so off-key. It was terrible), and then my sight-singing just flew out the window. She had to help me every like, three notes. Then again, I've never been really good at it.
So, yeah. For the two days that followed, I wasn't really all that convinced that I would make it into Concert Singers. And then, during my lunch on Friday, I remembered that the list would be posted by then. So, I went to go look at it. I read through all the names, and then I saw mine. It was the best feeling in the world. Seriously. :)
And, as a plus, the guy I like made it in, too. So, next year, we'll have a class together.
Sigh. :)
Hm. What else? Oh, I changed the Song of the Week again. Now it's "It Happens" by Sugarland. Because I love that song and it's fun to dance to. ;) I put it on my playlist, like I've done to all of my Songs of the Week so far, so scroll down to the bottom of the page and listen to it, okay? :)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Um... oops.
So... recent news...
I have some relatives from Minnesota coming in tomorrow. They're in Nebraska right at this very moment. It'll be my grandma, grandpa, and three cousins. I'm not really sure how it'll go... hopefully well. :)
Also, I have Concert Singers auditions on Monday. Wish me luck!
Anddd... HAS ANYONE BEEN WATCHING AMERICAN IDOL? Because I have. :) And I already have a favorite contestant. His name: Danny Gokey.
All of my friends love Adam Lambart because he's the emo-looking hot guy who can sing really high like a girl. BUT I DO NOT LIKE HIM AT ALL.
Therefor, Danny Gokey must beat Adam Lambart in American Idol.

Go Gokey!!!! :)
♥ ♥ ♥
He's the reason my Song of the Week this week is "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts, because that's the song that he sang this last week (and did and AMAZING job at). I loved it so much that I went and downloaded Danny singing it off of iTunes and put it on my iPod. So yeah. :)
In other news, I'm quite sad. I usually go to thecutestblogontheblock.com to change my layout, but I can't copy the code anymore because I don't have the updated Internet Explorer or whatever. :( So no my layout will just have to be very boring, unless I find a place simmilar to thecutestblogontheblock.com. If anyone knows anything, please tell me! I'm really desperate.
Um... It's also Heath Ledger's 30th birthday today. And since he's in my little mental list of my top five favorite actors and actresses (which I'll reveal to you all another day), I'd just like to say,
But... anyway, I think that's all.
BYE! :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
It took about ten minutes tops to get to the library. Then we were in there for about twenty minutes. When we left the library, you couldn't see ten feet in front of you. How crazy is that? Now were have like a foot of snow outside.
And I was so excited that spring was starting to be here. But stupid winter had to come back and chase it away. :(
So, yeah. Now it's way cold outside and you can't see the house on the other side of the street. It's that bad.
Anyway, today I enjoyed a nice, school-free Monday (or at least, I was enjoying it until the snow showed up). But now I have to go back to school tomorrow. Ugh.
So, yeah. Nothing much else. Other than me changing the Song of the Week. I've decided to change it every Monday. :)
Oh. And, in case you haven't noticed, I've changed the layout to something a wee bit more St. Patrick's Day-ish. So, yeah, I'll keep it up for like, the rest of March. Or at least until March 20, which is the first day of spring. Then I'll change it to something a bit more spring-ish. :)
So, yeah. That's all. :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ah. Changes. What's changed, you may ask?
1) I cut my hair. Not only is it a bit shorter, but I now have sweep bangs.
2) I added a "Song of the Week" at the top of the column to your right. I suggest you find a way to listen to the songs I put there, because I love all of them (or else they wouldn't be the "Song of the Week"). Or at least look up the lyrics or something, kay? I love my songs, and I like to share them. :)
3) I GOT CONTACTS!!! Bye-bye glasses. :) I didn't wear my contacts to school today, because I'm still getting use to them (getting them in and out is a pain). But on Tuesday, when I go back to school, I shall be glasses-less!
So, yeah. Those are my top three changes. :)
Let's see. Anything new?
I found out what will be the name of my niece (see post below). She'll be born in about three months, and I'm very excited. :) Anyway, her name is going to be Alexa Jade. Isn't it cute? Not exatly my taste, but I will admit it's cute. :) And it's starting to grow on me.
Hm. What else?
Oh. This Wednesday I have a concert. Girl's Night Out. It's going to be so much fun. :) And it will also be part benifit concert for someone in need. Most likely this little three-year-old boy with a brain tumor.
Annndddd... yesterday, three of my friends and I all walked home from school. My friend Ashley's birthday is on Sunday (tomorrow), so us other three (Me, Holly, Kenzie) came up with a devious plan. >:)
So, it's kind of a tradition for us to all decorate each other's rooms for their birthday, even though none of us want it done to our own rooms. If you read my posts in November, you'd know all about when they decorated my room.
So, anyway, here's what happened:
So, we're walking home. Ashley's house is closest, so she'll be our first stop. She says how it's okay, we don't have to walk all the way to her house, but we insist. When we get there, Ashley says she needs to get her backpack out of her sister's car (her sister came to pick Ashley's brother up from school, so Ashley just put her backpack in the car so she wouldn't have to carry it home). While she goes to the car, Holly and Kenzie run to her front door. Ashley gets a bit annoyed, but doesn't stop them. I stay with her, so she won't get suspicious. When we get inside, Holly and Kenzie have already explained everything to Ashley's dad and step-mom and are already shutting the door to Ashley's room behind them. Ashley still doesn't really get what's going on and says, "Please, stay out of my room! It's a mess!" Her dad is laughing as Ashley tries to push past him to open the door, which has been locked by Holly. And then, it finally dawns on Ashley that Holly and Makenzie are decorating her room for her coming birthday. She looks at me with a look of priceless loathing (which will hopefully be gone by Tuesday. :P), and starts beating on her door. Her dad looks at me and goes, "Want me to hold her back so you can get in and help them decorate?" Of course, I say yes. So, a few moments later, I am inside Ashley's room and Ashley is screaming at me. :)
We decorate her room, and finally let Ashley inside. She's pretending to be mad, but you can tell that she absolutely loves it. At least, that's what I interpreted her look as. ;)
So, yeah. It was way fun. :D
Hm. I wonder who's next on our decorating list out of the four of us.... ah yes. Kenzie, August 2nd. And then Marie on August 31st. Muhaha. >:)
So, yeah, I guess that's all. I have to go babysit in about twenty minutes, so BYE! :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Lots of stuff to catch up on...
Let's see... what's happened?
I found out New Moon's release date: November 20, 2009.
The day before I turn fifteen. How cool is that? :)
I found out Eclipse's release date, too: June 30, 2010.
That's only... seven months after New Moon! Which makes me have a strong feeling that Eclipse will really suck. Because they'll only have about... four months to film, edit, and complete. :(
Hm. What else?
OH! The Oscars! ;)
Yeah. I watched the Oscars on Sunday.
Here's the winners of some of the really cool awards:
Best Picture: Slumdog Millionair
Best Actor: Sean Penn; Milk
Best Actress: Kate Winslet; The Reader
Best Director: Danny Boyle; Slumdog Millionair
Best Animated Picture: WALL•E
Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz; Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger; The Dark Knight
Really the only highlight of the Oscars was Heath Ledger winning. Because I never saw Slumdog, Milk, The Reader, or Vicky Cristina Barcelona. So I didn't really care about those. I just saw WALL•E and The Dark Knight out of the movies that won anything. Oh. Speaking of TDK, it also won Best Sound Editing. So... yeah.
Hm. There was something else...
Oh, now I remember. :)
The cast list for the school musical this year (Guys and Dolls) got posted today. I'm not in it, but all my friends are. :) And my friend Marie got one of the lead roles, Sarah Brown! I'm so happy for her. She wanted that part so bad, and she really deserves it. :)
But since all my friends are in the musical, I'll have to go to it alone. Joy. Unless I find another random friend to go with. Hopefully, I will.
Well... I have to go babysit in less than an hour. So... bye!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Facebook and Birthdays!
Okay. So, yesterday I went to a family birthday party. It was for my little nephew, Kayden, who's sixth birthday was that day, and my older sister, Camille, who was turned 29 the day before. It was at Camille's house. Camille and her family (husband Zach and kids Gavin, Bradin, Chanse, and Rylee) were there (of course). Kayden's family was also there (of course): my brother Gil, his wife, and their other two kids Brant and Kadee. And then my neice Shaylee was there and my nephew Trevor. And two other people who I know but always forget their names. :)
Anyway, it was way fun.
Then when I got home I found out that my friend Marie had gotten a Facebook page and wanted me to get one too, so I asked my dad is I could. And he amazingly said yes! So, I did. And I'm now addicted. It's just so much fun. :)
I started looking up random people I know and found a lot. Most of them were friends, but I also found my sister Camille on there and my sixth grade teacher. And then, since I was bored, I looked up my friend Erin. She and I were best friends back in fourth grade before she moved to Alaska a month before school ended, and we lost contact. And guess what. SHE WAS THERE! I was so excited, and I sent her a message, asking her if she remembered me. I haven't gotten a reply yet, but that's okay. :) I'm just so excited that she's there, and maybe we can be friends again.
Ah, the magic of Facebook. ;)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bittersweet news: The Oscars
So, most of you (hopefully) know that The Dark Knight is my favorite movie, right?
Well, I was browsing around on the internet today, and I found the one and only Oscar nominations! I like watching things like the Oscars, Golden Globes, and People's Choice Awards, okay?
Anyway, I was looking through it, and I gasped three times total. One was happy, and two were shocked and not-so-happy.
Let's start with the shocked, not-so-happy gasps:
1) The Dark Knight got SNUBBED! It didn't get nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, or Best Adapted Screenplay. I'm not the only one shocked here. Many others are, too.
2) Leonardo DiCaprio didn't get nominated for his role in Revolutionary Road! I mean, I never saw the movie, but it's Leonardo DiCaprio. He's one of my favorite actors!
So yeah.
Let me add before I go on. The Dark Knight kind of recieved some nominations. Just not any of the cool ones like Best Movie and Best Director. It got nominated for things like:
Best Cinematography - Wally Pfister
Best Art Direction - Nathan Crowley, Peter Lando
Best Film Editing - Lee Smith
Best Makeup - John Caglione Jr. and Conor O'Sullivan
Best Sound Editing - Richard King
Best Sound Mixing - Lora Hirschberg, Gary Rizzo, and Ed Novick
Best Visual Effects - Nick Davis, Christ Corbould, Tim Webber, Paul Franklin
So, I guess that's eight nominations (counting the one below), which puts the movie in third place for most nominations (Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionair have 13 and 10, plus Milk also has eight). But still, it makes me (and many others) mad that it wasn't nominated for Best Picture or at least Best Director. Hopefully it'll win some of the above awards, though. :)
Now, my one happy, joyful gasp:
1) Heath Ledger got nominated for Best Supporting Actor in The Dark Knight as the Joker. :)
Today is the one-year anneversary of Heath's death, and his nomination was also announced today, which is kind of ironic.
Well, I guess that's all.
Monday, January 19, 2009
My Life is Now Complete. :)
So, yeah.
They have a neat little schedule going on that decides who they cartoonize:
Monday: Music
Tuesday: Random male celebrity
Wednesday: ANY
Thursday: Harry Potter cast member
Friday: Politics / World Leaders
Saturday: Random female Celebrity
Sunday: Twilight cast member
Today is Monday, so they did music, which means David Archuleta. :)
Anyway, you should go check out their site. :)
Okay, moving on.
I had to babysit yesterday. :) My neighbor has this sweet little baby girl, Fayette, who is eleven months old. She turns one in February (in case you didn't want to do the math). But I went over there yesterday and Faye was in her cute pink pajamas and playing and stuff. So, after they left, I gave her a bottle and she just sat on the floor and played. And then I put her down for a nap and she slept the rest of the time. :P So I got bored and watched Batman Begins, because there was nothing else to do.
So, yeah.
Oh, dang. We go back to school tomorrow. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. :( Can't May just be here already?
I'm really excited for May. :)
Wanna know why?
1) It'll start warming up.
2) Cassie's baby girl will be born
3) Laeci's baby boy will be born
4) School will be out
5) Summer will start
6) My brother will turn ten
7) I will have the Twilight DVD by then (it comes out in March!!!)
8) New Moon filming will have started (starting in March!!!)
9) It'll only be six months until I turn fifteen. :)
10) It'll be only six months until my blog is on year old.
Wow. I came up with ten things. I'm so proud of myself. :)
So, I guess that's all.
Friday, January 16, 2009
David Archuleta CD
Right now I'm listening to Your Eyes Don't Lie. It's okay so far. Not my favorite, though. My favorites are probably Crush (which isn't new), Angels (also not new), and Touch My Hand (New!).
Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
Cause if I do it will all be over
I'll never see you again
Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
Cause if I do it will all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again
Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm listening to Touch My Hand again. The lyrics and stuff are okay, but I REALLY love the music. No idea why. I suggest you listen to the song.
Anyway, I think that's all. :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Secend Semester!
Today I had TWO new classes!!!! Keyboarding (ick) and Foods (yay!). I have Keyboarding with Janessa, and Foods with AC, Devyn, Courtney... So yeah. Except AC isn't exactly in the class, he's just the TA.
AC the TA.
Haha. That's funny.
Um... so yeah. O.o
My oldest sister Cassie (the one who got married in August) is pregnant. Of course, I already knew that. But we found out what the baby is! :)
Nevermind. I'll tell you. Because I'm so excited. It's a girl!!
She already has two little boys, so a girl is just what she needs. :)
She's due May 31st. So it'll be a little May baby. :)
And, guess what. My best friend, Megan, who I've known FOREVER (seriously. i was like a week old when we met, and she was 2 days old), her sister Laeci is having a baby in May, too. But she's having a boy, and is due May 14th. :) The baby boy will most likely have red hair, because his dad Jared had the reddest hair ever. :P
Anyway. That's all for now, I guess.
Bye! ♥
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Fancy food and Taylor Lautner
And then, we saw this waitor, who's nametag said he was Luke. And when I saw him, I immediately thought of Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob Black in the Twilight movie. They just look so much alike. So I turn to Mckena to tell her and she automaticly says, "He's cute, huh?" And I agree and say, "He kind of looks like Taylor Lautner." And Mckena goes, "HE DOES!" So then for the rest of them time she was trying to get a picture of him on her phone, but it didn't work, to her dismay.
And then AC was all like, "He looks like who?" And I said, "Taylor Lautner." Of course, he had no clue who that was. So I said, "Jacob Black in the movie." And he immediately knew. Because AC read Twilight. But he hated it, and refused to see the movie. >:(
And then, sadly, we had to leave the restaurant and go back to school. I got stuck in the back, which sucked. Any other time, I'm perfectly fine with the back. But not when it's my Creative Writing class in the back. Because then it's loud and makes me crabby. >:(
And then Mckena and Nikki started a snowball fight... on the bus. Mckena opened the bus window, reached up on the roof, and grabbed snow. Mr Brooks didn't notice at all, of course. So snow was being thrown around, and it eventually (of course) landed on me. COLD.
When we got back to school, the bell had already rang. Holly, Marie, and I all missed the bus. Which was okay. I just called my mom and she gave us all a ride.
That's all. :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My first post of 2009.
Okay. Moving on.
I'm watching Jumanji right now. I haven't watched it since I was like eight, but it was on tv and I thought it'd be worth it. It's a fun movie, but it still scares that crap out of me. I had to change the channel during the bat part in the begining. I mean, if I had watched it, I probably would have realized that it wasn't that scary, but my little eight-year-old self inside of me was reminding me of how terrified I was of the bats back then, so I quickly changed the channel. When I went back, it was at the part where the Allen kid was getting sucked into the game, and I changed the channel again when his fingers started going all wierd, because my little eight-year-old self decided to pipe up again.
I'm watching it again now, telling my eight-year-old self to shut up, because I'm watching the movie no matter what.
Jeez. I sound insane.
Anyway, it's at the part where Allen comes back when the kid roles a five or an eight (can't remember which), and he just jumped on the cop car and is like, "What year is it?".
So, yeah.
Now the monkeys are in the cop car.
Okay, I'll shut up now.
There's nothing more really to say, I just wanted to make my first post of 2009. :)