Monday, March 9, 2009


Woah! So, my mom and I had to run to the library not too long ago. When we left, there were just little tiny snowflakes fluttering to the ground. Nothing to be worried about, since 99% of them were melting before they even hit the ground. And the other 1% melted as they hit the ground.

It took about ten minutes tops to get to the library. Then we were in there for about twenty minutes. When we left the library, you couldn't see ten feet in front of you. How crazy is that? Now were have like a foot of snow outside.

And I was so excited that spring was starting to be here. But stupid winter had to come back and chase it away. :(

So, yeah. Now it's way cold outside and you can't see the house on the other side of the street. It's that bad.

Anyway, today I enjoyed a nice, school-free Monday (or at least, I was enjoying it until the snow showed up). But now I have to go back to school tomorrow. Ugh.

So, yeah. Nothing much else. Other than me changing the Song of the Week. I've decided to change it every Monday. :)

Oh. And, in case you haven't noticed, I've changed the layout to something a wee bit more St. Patrick's Day-ish. So, yeah, I'll keep it up for like, the rest of March. Or at least until March 20, which is the first day of spring. Then I'll change it to something a bit more spring-ish. :)

So, yeah. That's all. :)

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